SEB NMMS Scholarship 2022

By | 09/10/2022

 SEB NMMS Scholarship 2022 | Application Online, Eligibility, Call Letter & Merit List – : NMMS Scholarship 2022 Apply Online and NMMS Scholarship Scheme Application Form, Application Status, Eligibility Criteria & Selection Procedure To promote education and reduce dropout rates the Government of India launches various kinds of scholarship schemes so that the students who belong to the financially weaker section of society would be able to continue with their education.

SEB NMMS Scholarship 2022
Name Of The Examination National Means Cum Scholarship Scheme (NMMS)
Name Of The Examination National Means Cum Scholarship Scheme (NMMS)
Official Website
Category Exams
Location Gujarat
Notification Date 07/10/2022
Online Application Date 11/10/2022 To 5/11/2022
Exam Date Dec-2022/Jan-2023

NMMS Scholarship Exam 2022 full details: Notification-Registration-Apply Online-study material

SEB NMMS Eligibility Criteria

Application Fees

  • Examination Fees : General & OBC : 70/- & Other 50/- SEB

Exam Selection Process

  • The students must pass both the tests i.e. MAT and SAT with at least 40% marks in each. For the reserved category, this cut off will be 32% marks.
  • The parental income of the students should not more than Rs. 1.50 lakh per annum from all sources.
  • At the time of selection for the award of scholarship, the candidate must have scored at least 55% marks or equivalent grade in Class VIII examination. There will be 5% relaxation for SC/ST.
  • The awardees should satisfy the eligibilities and the conditions mentioned in the scheme.

NMMS Online Application Instructions:

  • Log on official site:
  • Click on apply online
  • Now select your exam name NMMS Exam 2022-23
  • Filling up your details.
  • Upload your photo and signature.
  • Confirm your application and print a copy.

NMMS Scholarship Benefits:

  • NMMS Scholarship of Rs. 12000 /- per year (Rs. 1000 /- per month) per student is awarded to students selected each year to study in Std 9 to 12 in state government, government-funded schools and local schools.
  • Students in class 9 receive a one-time scholarship, ie INR 12,000 per year, for one academic year.
  • The scholarship is renewed every year until the student completes his / her upper secondary education level (Class 12), provided the candidate gets a clear promotion to the upper class each year.
  • To apply for Scholarship Examination, kindly click on Apply online from the home page.
  • On Apply online page, kindly go through “How to Apply” manual to understand the procedure of applying for the scholarship examination. Click on “Apply” Button in line with NTSE Exam to proceed. You may also read the Notification for the NTSE Examination.
  • Kindly go through the dates and important details, enter your U-Dise number and clock on submit button to apply.
  • After submit, a pre-filled form will be shown, kindly confirm your personal details and School details. If in case of change in School, enter new School Dise code, click on “Change School” button, your school details will be updated for this examination. Enter mobile number of Parents and Principal/Teacher mobile no. Kindly click on Submit to submit your form.
  • After Submit kindly note your Application number which will be used for further process.
  • After submitting form, click on “Upload Photograph”, enter application number and date of birth to proceed.
  • Select both photo and signature and then click on upload button to upload photo and signature And Income Certificate.
  • Next, click on “Confirm Application”, enter application number and date of birth to proceed.
  • Confirm your details and then click on confirm button to confirm your application, after confirming you will not be able to edit the application.
  • After Confirming form, click on “Print Application/Challan”, enter confirmation number and date of birth to proceed. You may select to print your confirmed application, post office challan, Pay online fees and print receipt (if fee is paid online)
  • Online payment page – enter your details of credit card/debit card/net banking and proceed to complete transaction. No employee would ask you bank/card/otp details from our team.
  • Post Office sample challan copy.

The details of NMMS 2022 scholarship scheme as provided by the authorities are stated below.

NMMS Scholarship 2022 – Scheme Details

  1. Approx. 1 lac scholarships are granted per year to the students whose parental income is 1.5 lac p. a. or less from all the sources.
  1. As per the state quota the NMMS 2022 scholarship may differ as per the category of the candidates or domicile of the candidates.
  1. The quota of scholarship is being fixed by every state, the annexure of state quota NMSS scholarship as per the class of the candidates is provided.
  1. The maximum amount of NMMS 2022 scholarship will be maximum INR 12000 p. a. No student will be provided more than INR 1000 per month as scholarship.
  1. The scholarship will be provided on the yearly basis to the students of class 9th studying in a government – aided or wholly government or local body school. The scholarship can be granted for a maximum period of 4 years from class 9th to class 12th.
  1. To get the NMMS 2022 scholarship, the students will have to qualify the exam conducted by the state government or UT.

NMMS scholarship 2022 – Eligibility Criteria (Senior and Higher secondary stage)

  1. The scholarship is payable for a maximum period of 4 years from class IX to class XII.
  1. The NMMS 2022 scholarship is only applicable for the candidates studying within India only.
  1. The candidates claiming NMMS 2022 scholarship, must have a clear promotion record of class VIII and IX.
  1. The NMMS scholarship is not provided for the diploma and certificate courses at this stage.
  1. The candidate must have scored minimum fifty – five percent marks from class IX to XII, in order to continue the NMMS scholarship 2022. For the SC / ST category candidates there will be a relaxation of 5 percent marks.
  1. If there will be no exam conducted by the school for the NMMS scholarship 2020, at the end of class IX and XI session, then a certificate of confirmation shall be issued by the head of the school, otherwise the scholarship shall be discontinued.
  1. The NMMS 2022 scholarship scheme shall be monitored by the Department at regular intervals of time by the authorized stakeholders.
  1. The candidate must have scored minimum sixty percent marks in class X, to continue the NMMS scholarship at the next stage. For the SC / ST category candidates there will be a relaxation of 5 percent marks.

NMMS scholarship 2022 – Terms and Conditions

  1. The course must be approved as per NMMS eligibility.
  1. The candidate has to provide the certificate of good conduct in his / her regular studies by the head of the college or institution.
  1. The candidate should not be in any type of employment.
  1. The student must be pursuing whole time study course.
  1. The candidate should not be absent without proper leave.
  1. The scholarship will not be provided for the abroad studies.
  1. The scholarship will not be provided, if the student discontinues the course within one month of the course registration.
  1. If the scholarship will be claimed after 12 months of the course commencement, then no claims will be provided for such arrears.
  1. If the candidate will not be able to appear in the final exam, then the medical certificate must be provided at the Head of the institute within three months of sickness.
  1. The medical certificate must be provided by the Registered Medical Practitioner. If the candidate’s overall performance during the year is fifty percent or above, only than he / she will be permitted to continue the same course.
  1. In case of any gap of one year, in the studies due to any reason, the NMMS 2020 scholarship shall be discontinued by the authorities.
  1. The candidate must join the desired course within three months of the announcement of the last course result.
  1. In case of any breach of the rules provided by NMMS scholarship for the 2020 session, the scholarship shall be discontinued by the authorities.
  1. The provided rules regarding the NMMS 2020 scholarship can be changed any time at the discretion of the exam conducting body.

NMMS Scholarship 2022 – Application Form

NMMS Scholarship 2022 – Exam Pattern

  1. The question paper of NMMS exam will be of 90 marks.
  1. The question paper will include two sections of Mental Ability Test (MAT) and Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT).
  1. The exam will be conducted in both online and offline mode at the registered exam centres.
  1. The medium of NMMS 2022 exam will be both English and Hindi medium.
  1. The total exam duration for each paper of NMMS scholarship 2020 will be 90 minutes.

NMMS Scholarship 2022 – Syllabus

  1. The exam question paper of Mental Ability Test (MAT) will cover the multiple – choice questions from topics like analogy, classification, numerical series, pattern perception, hidden figure etc. The complete question paper will be based on verbal and non – verbal meta – cognitive skills such as reasoning and critical thinking.
  1. The question paper of Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) will cover the class 7th and 8th syllabus subjects as mathematics, social science, science, general knowledge etc.
  1. The students can refer to the NCERT books to complete the syllabus of NMMS scholarship.
  1. For the MAT paper the mental math books of class 7th can be referred to by the students.

NMMS Scholarship 2022 – Question Paper

NMMS Scholarship 2022 – Disbursement of Scholarship

  1. The list of beneficiaries is sent by the state government to the scholarship portal. After that, it is scrutinized by the ministry and funds are sanctioned as per the Annual Budget.
  1. The ministry disburses the complete scholarship amount to the State Bank of India.
  1. The amount of scholarship will be paid to all the students by the State bank of India, once after it will be sanctioned by the ministry to SBI Bank.
  1. The amount of scholarship will be credited to the students account as per the list provided by the ministry.
  1. In case of any confusion regarding the list, the SBI branches will coordinate with the State Education Department.
  1. The amount of scholarship will not be disbursed in installments. The complete amount will be disbursed once in year i. e. INR 12000 for each student.
  1. The students will have to open an account in SBI bank or any public or private sector scheduled bank to get the scholarship.
  1. The awardees must have scored minimum 55 % marks in 9th and 11th class to continue the scholarship in the next higher class. For SC ST category candidates there is 5 % relaxation.

Important Dates:

Starting Date for Submission of Online Application 11-10-2022
Last Date for Submission of Online Application 05-11-2022

Important Links

NMMS Scholarship Exam Books free download

NMMS full form: The full form of the NMMS Exam is National Merit and Means Scholarship Scheme. NMMS was launched all over India the centrally sponsored in May 2008. The main purpose of the NMMS Scholarship Exam is to give rewards as scholarships to encourage and deserving students from economically weaker sectors to stop their dropout in Class 8 and encourage them to continue their studies at the secondary stage of std 9 to 12.

Who Can Attend this Examination Said General & OBC Category Student Passed 7th Std with Minimum 55% & SC /ST Category 50% And Running 8th Class Std. Income Certification : Parents Annual Income Limit 1,50,000/- Annual.

National Merit and Means Scholarship Scheme (NMMS) was launched in May 2008, in all over India the centrally sponsored. The main aim of the plan is to give award through scholarships to deserving students from economically weaker sectors to stop their dropout in standard 8 and encourage them to continue their studies at the secondary stage of std 9 to 12.

How To Apply : 

Only the eligible candidates will be able to claim the scholarship of NMMS 2022 for the senior and higher secondary stage. The eligibility conditions for the NMMS 2022 scholarship for senior and higher secondary stage is as given below:

The following terms and conditions must be satisfied by students to claim the scholarship of NMMS 2022.

The application form of NMMS scholarship has been issued on the official website of State’s SCERT. To claim the NMMS 2022 scholarship, the candidates are required to fill the application form. The application form of NMMS 2022 scholarship is available now. The application has been issued in both online and offline mode for the convenience of the students. The students must ensure the eligibility criteria before filling the application form of NMMS 2022 scholarship form.

Steps to fill the NMMS Scholarship Form

The steps to fill the NMMS scholarship form are given below:

The exam pattern of NMMS scholarship 2022 provides complete idea about the question paper pattern to all the students. The key highlights about the NMMS 2022 exam pattern are as given below:

In order to prepare for the NMMS scholarship exam 2022. the students must prepare as per the prescribed syllabus by the exam conducting body.

As per the exam pattern provided by the authorities, the question paper of NMMS scholarship exam 2022, will include multiple – choice questions. The students will have to tick the correct answer among the four given options. The question paper of NMMS exam 2020 will be provided in both English and Hindi language. The students are advised to solve the previous year question papers of NMMS exam 2020 to score good marks in the exam. Practicing the previous year question paper, will make them understand the exam pattern of NMMS exam.

To get the disbursement of scholarship, the following conditions will be applicable.

Download NMMS Notification 2022-23 : Click Here

Apply Online : Click Here

Download NMMS Hall Ticket : Click Here

NMMS Book PDF 1: Click Here

NMMS Book PDF 2: Click Here

NMMS Book PDF 3: Click Here

NMMS Book PDF 4: Click Here

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