Savitaben Ambedkar Yojana

By | 21/01/2025

Dr. Savitaben Ambedkar Yojana: Nowadays, the number of inter-caste marriages is increasing in the society. Considering this time, the central government has encouraged inter-caste marriages for social integration. Savitaben Ambedkar launched inter-caste marriage assistance scheme. The main objective of launching this scheme is to appreciate the socially enterprising step of inter-caste marriage.

Dr savita Ambedkar Marriage Yojana Gujarat,If there is an inter-caste married woman/man in your family, he/she can also benefit from this scheme. Started by the state government for inter-caste married women/men. Educationally and socially backward class and backward class girls are provided financial assistance on the occasion of inter-caste marriage. Assistance is provided.

Who can get benefit of Yojana?

  • Inter caste married woman/man can get benefit.
  • An inter-caste marriage requires one person to belong to a scheduled caste and the other to a Hindu upper caste.

Dr. Savitaben Ambedkar Yojana

State Name Gujarat
Planning Category State Government

Beneficiary eligibility Scheduled Caste (SC)
Relief fund Rupee. 2,50,000/- (Rs. 1,00,000/- and Rs. 1,50,000/-)

What You get

dr. savita ben ambedkar marriage scheme,Through this scheme, in the form of gift certificate in the joint name of husband and wife Rs. 1,00,000 and Rs 1,50,000 for purchasing other household appliances, making a total financial assistance of ₹ 2,50,000.

Age Limit

  • Female 18 Years +
  • Male 21 Years +


  • For the Dr. Savitaben Ambedkar Intercaste Assistance Scheme, specific and appropriate qualifications have been prescribed by the Department of Social Justice and Empowerment and the Director of the Scheduled Caste Welfare Department. It is shown below:
  • Marriage must be inter-caste. Married boy and girl should have Scheduled Caste Certificate. If the boy belongs to Scheduled Caste then the girl should not belong to the same caste.And if the girl belongs to Scheduled Caste the boy should not belong to the same caste.
  • Age of bride and groom should be as per legally prescribed age. If the age of boy is below 21 years and girl is below 18 years then they will not be allowed this benefit.
  • The application for this scheme has to be done within one year of marriage. It is mandatory for those who are eligible and want to avail the benefit to apply before completion of one year of marriage.
  • The income criteria for this scheme mentions that the total annual income of the husband and wife should not exceed five lakhs. Even if one of them is employed, neither should be earning more than five lakhs. But there is no income limit under the Department of Social Justice and Empowerment.
  • It is mandatory to follow all the rules mentioned in the Hindu Marriage Act under the Constitution of India.
  • The grant under this scheme is only for boys and girls who are getting married for the first time, but if one of them has been married before, they will not be stopped from getting the financial assistance.

Terms and Condition

  • Some conditions and rules have been prescribed by the Department of Social Justice and Empowerment and the Director Scheduled Caste Welfare Department for this scheme. They are mentioned below:
  • One of the husband and wife of the intercast marriage should be a native of the state of Gujarat. This marriage has to be registered and the applications for availing the benefits of the scheme have to be made within two years of the marriage.
  • The parents of the inter-caste married couple must be residents of the state of Gujarat. If either of them belongs to a foreign province other than a Scheduled Caste, they must give a certificate that they are not considered untouchable in that state or province and practice Hinduism.
  • If there is a widow or widower, who has no children and remarries, financial assistance will be available through this scheme. There is no income limit for them.

Important Document

  • All documents related to when the applicant was divorced (if the applicant was married at the time of marriage), death occurred (if the applicant was a widow/widower at the time of marriage), all documents related to when the spouse got divorced (if the husband and wife (at the time of marriage), death occurred (if the bridegroom/bride was a widower/widower at the time), Aadhaar card of the applicant, caste certificate, school dropout pattern of the applicant, caste identification card of boy/girl school, girl/boy School Leaving Certificate.
  • Applicant’s residence proof (Any one of Electricity Bill/License/Lease Agreement/Electoral Card/Ration Card etc.), Applicant’s Marriage Registration Certificate Bank Passbook/Canceled Check first page copy (in applicant’s name) to be submitted while obtaining the Agreement Form. Form for submission of marriage registration certificate of applicant (declaration of marriage).
  • Benefit

      • The development and progress of the Indian society will take place when the curse of caste inequality in every society will be removed forever. Hence the practice of inter-caste marriage should be encouraged. Such innovative incentive and support schemes will encourage the innovative young generation to take such progressive steps.
      • Young couples marrying inter-caste should be financially assisted. Because of the rigidity of the caste system in India, the couples who adopt inter-caste marriage are shunned by their own families, so they often face a lot of difficulties. But with the financial assistance provided by this scheme, couples will not have to worry about facing financial hardships in the initial days and will be able to live their lives well.
      • The aim of this scheme is to give equal status to all castes. Due to such schemes, the central government will be able to bring equality to all castes, due to which the caste related prejudices of the people will be removed.
      • Financial assistance through this scheme will be disbursed in two separate installments. They will be given a total financial grant of Rs 2,50,000 from the Central Government.
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    Apply Steps

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